
  • garnishment is a legal order to withhold a specified sum from your wages to satisfy a debt in accordance with the federal wage garnishment law.
  • LevyEarnings Withholding Order, or a Wage Assignment is the legal terminology for a garnishment.

What is the difference between those terms?

Different agencies use different terminology for the garnishment. The Sheriff’s Department uses the term Wage Assignment. The Federal Government calls it a Levy and the State refers to it as a Earnings Withholding Order. The child support agencies, District Attorney, Family Support Divisions, call it a wage assignment.

Washington State University is required to deduct a portion of your salary earned from your future paychecks – it could be as much as 50% or higher in some instances.

No. This matter is between you and the taxing agency or firm/person named as plaintiff in the order. Only the issuer of the garnishment has legal authority to modify or release your levy. You may wish to consult your attorney.

It depends upon the type of garnishment. For example, a Federal Levy will exempt a predetermine amount of your net pay from levy. Otherwise, the deduction is taken from your “Disposable earnings”

Yes. The fee will depend upon what each state allows and could very from $1.00 up to $8.00 per garnishment per pay period on Child Support orders.  Garnishments with term date of 90 days or less allow for a $30.00 processing fee.

No. You must call the appropriate agency or an attorney to get a delay or to work out a different payment arrangement.

We must have a written release five days prior to payday in order to stop your deduction. It is important to keep all copies of a garnishment for at least seven years. There is a charge for requested copies of garnishment records.